TV Pilot, Love's Gate - Second Look

Here’s a few more stills from our Pilot for TV Series Love’s Gate. Director of Photography Brooke Mueller and the entire team helped us bring an amazing script by Alexander Harris to life. Check ‘em out below!

TV Pilot, Love’s Gate - First Look!

Here’s a first look at our brand new TV Pilot, Love’s Gate! The cast and crew were absolutely incredible to work with and the images that director of photography Brooke Mueller created are stunning. You can check out a first look right here:

BackSpace Wins 2 Awards at the LA Sci-Fi Film Festival!

Really excited to announce that BackSpace has just picked up 2 awards at the LA Sci-Fi Film Festival! Our short film won the Platinum Jury Prize for Best Picture! We also won the Europa Award!

Pretty proud of this short film! The film was released by Dust, the sci-fi brand over at Gunpowder and Sky this last spring. This is its third festival screening after playing internationally at FutuRetro and Plissken Festival!

If you haven’t seen BackSpace just yet - you can watch it now right here:

Behind the Scenes on TV Pilot, Love’s Gate (Last Batch)!

Check out the last batch of incredible behind the scenes photos of Love’s Gate by Paula and Jeff Bentley. We’re thrilled with how these came out and directing the Pilot Episode was an absolute blast.

Love’s Gate is a series produced by Mars Moon Productions in association with Adventure Company, created by Alexander Harris.

Behind the Scenes on TV Pilot, Love’s Gate (Part 2)!

Here’s another batch of Behind the Scenes shots of our recent TV Pilot for Love’s Gate.

These shots were taken on set by Jeff and Paula Bentley with some incredible photos of the cast and crew.

Behind the Scenes on TV Pilot, Love’s Gate

We had a blast directing the Pilot Episode of brand new series, Love’s Gate! It was incredible to work with so many familiar faces and get the crew back together after such a strange 2 years! It was also great to work with some wonderfully talented actors, both familiar (Alexander Harris, Benedict Mazurek, Danny Brown, and Dan Fowlks returning from our feature films Danger! Danger! and The West and the Ruthless) as well as amazing new cast and crew members that we can’t wait to work with again!

Love’s Gate was created and written by Alexander Harris and produced by Cathy Irons at Mars Moon Productions in Association with Adventure Company.

Check out these awesome behind the scenes photos taken by Jeff and Paula Bentley of the cast and crew in action. More to come soon!

BackSpace heads to the LA Sci-Fi Film Festival!

We are SUPER excited to announce that our film BackSpace is an Official Selection of the LA Sci-Fi Film Festival this summer! The festival will be held July 26.

BackSpace was directed by Nick + Lexie and released earlier this year by Gunpowder and Sky via their amazing Sci-Fi brand DUST. The film stars Paul Haapaniemi, James Brinkley, and Holly Standbrook.

For more information make sure to check out the official site:

BackSpace, Next Festival Screening!

BackSpace will be screening next week at the amazing Plissken Festival! The festival will be featuring some amazing films as well as some absolutely incredible musicians! 2 Days / 4 Stages / 44 Musicians including Bonobo and Caribou! The festival will be held June 12 and 13 in Athens, Greece.

For tickets and more - make sure to check out the official site here:

That’s a wrap on our First TV Pilot!

It’s been a pretty awesome couple of weeks! BackSpace was picked up by Gunpowder and Sky and released on Dust to rave reviews, we worked on the Oscars for a second year in a row, Tales from Black Manor is wrapping up its festival run and winning awards, AND we just wrapped production on our latest project with one of the most wonderful casts and crews we’ve ever been lucky enough to work with!

With all of the excitement going on we cannot wait to share this newest project with everyone!

We can’t say much at the moment, but it’s a TV pilot about angels and devils helping people to fall in love.

New Work for the Oscars!

We’re over the moon that we had a chance to work on the Oscars again this year! We jumped in with the team at Imaginary Forces - who always create the most incredible work there is and have been an industry leader for years! 

You can check out this year’s work here: 

And if you’d like to check out some of the work we did for the 2021 Oscars, you can check that out right here: 

New Interview with Dust!

Here’s an interview we just did with Dust about the inspiration for BackSpace and our love of  sci-fi! For instance if you were ever curious if we liked Star Wars vs Star Trek, Philip K. Dick or William S. Burroughs, Practical or CGI, Dystopia or Utopia, Post Apocalypse or Pre Apocalypse - now’s your chance to find out … because you’ve probably been wondering … for years.

Tales from Black Manor, Italy Premiere

We’re excited to announce that Tales from Black Manor will be making its Italian Premiere this week! The series is an Official Selection of the OIFF Festival screening with some other incredible films. The festival screens May 13-16.

This marks the 7th festival screening for Tales from Black Manor after previously screening at FilmQuest, as well as the World Independant Cinema Awards, and at festivals in Europe, South America, the US, and the upcoming screening in Las Vegas at the Fear Faire Film Festival.

For more information on OIFF, make sure to check out the official site:

BackSpace, Watch it now!

BackSpace is being released today by Gunpowder and Sky and Dust!

BackSpace is the latest creation from Directors Nick + Lexie who previously directed Tales from Black Manor, Danger! Danger! and The West and the Ruthless as well as several award winning short films including The Umbrella Factory. 

BackSpace stars Paul Haapaniemi, James Brinkley, and Holly Standbrook.


Hunting for blackholes is a dangerous business. Only those willing to brave the deepest parts of BackSpace can survive. Adventurers, Explorers, Outlaws, and anyone trying to find their fortune, will kill, betray, and face danger to find one. Hunter and Mono track down a lost pod that may have the coordinates to a black hole. 

BackSpace and Unreal Engine
BackSpace, Short Film by Nick Trivundza and Lexie Trivundza

Coming up with the look of BackSpace was a tremendous amount of fun. As we explored the style, we started off in Cinema 4D, Photoshop, and After Effects. When we were ready to head into production (virtually) we jumped into Unreal Engine 5. We’d never used Unreal Engine before and it blew us away.

Below you can see the style frames we created with the models and the stills from the completed film. The final results almost feel like an amazing graphic novel and the live action adaption :) 

New Article on Shoutout LA!
BackSpace directed by Nick Trivundza and Lexie Trivundza

Great new article on BackSpace over on Shoutout LA where we talk about the film and our inspiration in creating it. We chat about those first moments seeing Return of the Jedi and the behind the scenes on Raiders of the Lost Ark and of course those wonderful John Williams’s scores that we find so inspiring. 

Article Excerpt:

Nick: I can clearly remember going to see a film for the first time at a theater. It was Return of the Jedi and I was 3 years old. It was like the gates of heaven opened before me and heaven was weird! It was filled with Robots and Bounty Hunters, Jedis, Darth Vaders, Ewoks, and Stormtroopers!

Needless to say, like so many other kids, Star Wars changed my life forever. At the time though – I wanted a lightsaber. It wasn’t until I saw the Behind the Scenes of Raiders of the Lost Ark on TV one night that things would change again. They were playing it in between commercial breaks of the film itself. I saw Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Harrison Ford laughing and hanging out on set.

Up until that moment, movies just happened. They were beamed into theaters or televisions from some unknown place. But this was amazing. This meant people made movies. People! I was people. So did that mean that maybe I could make a film one day too?

BackSpace, First Look

As we get ready to release our upcoming short film, BackSpace, we wanted to release a sneak peak at some of our favorite images! BackSpace is a fully CG film, with the Voice Talents of Paul Haapaniemi, James Brinkley, and Holly Standbrook. 

Here’s a handful of our favorite shots from the film. 

STILLS from backspace

BackSpace Selected By Dust and Gunpowder & Sky!

Absolutely over the moon that BackSpace has been picked up by Dust and Gunpowder and Sky! We’re super excited to be working with the Dust team to release the film to their huge audience (millions!) of sci-fi fans! 

DUST IS THE SCI-FI DIVISION OF INDEPENDENT STUDIO GUNPOWDER & SKY, with cutting-edge short films, daring new series, innovative podcasts and award-winning feature films, DUST is the world’s premiere sci-fi destination.

For more info, make sure to check out the Dust website below!