In the farthest reaches of BackSpace, Hunter and Mono search for a lost pod containing the coordinates to a blackhole.
Hunting for blackholes is a dangerous business. Only those willing to brave the deepest parts of BackSpace can survive. Adventurers, Explorers, Outlaws, and anyone trying to find their fortune, will kill, betray, and face danger to find one. Hunter and Mono track down a lost pod that may have the coordinates to a black hole.
Directed By: Nick + Lexie
Written By: Nick + Lexie Trivundza
Produced By: Nick + Lexie Trivundza
An Adventure Company Film
Hunter: Paul Haapaniemi
Mono: James Brinkley
Jet: Holly Standbrook
Music By Paul Cassidy and Graham Plowman
Copyright © Adventure Company MMXXII
BackSpace, Image Gallery

The Art of BackSpace

BackSpace, Development
BackSpace and Unreal Engine
Coming up with the look of BackSpace was a tremendous amount of fun. As we explored the style, we started off in Cinema 4D, Photoshop, and After Effects. When we were ready to head into production (virtually) we jumped into Unreal Engine 5. We’d never used Unreal Engine before and it blew us away.
Below you can see the style frames we created with the models and the stills from the completed film. The final results almost feel like an amazing graphic novel and the live action adaption :)