New Article on Shoutout LA!

BackSpace directed by Nick Trivundza and Lexie Trivundza

Great new article on BackSpace over on Shoutout LA where we talk about the film and our inspiration in creating it. We chat about those first moments seeing Return of the Jedi and the behind the scenes on Raiders of the Lost Ark and of course those wonderful John Williams’s scores that we find so inspiring. 

Article Excerpt:

Nick: I can clearly remember going to see a film for the first time at a theater. It was Return of the Jedi and I was 3 years old. It was like the gates of heaven opened before me and heaven was weird! It was filled with Robots and Bounty Hunters, Jedis, Darth Vaders, Ewoks, and Stormtroopers!

Needless to say, like so many other kids, Star Wars changed my life forever. At the time though – I wanted a lightsaber. It wasn’t until I saw the Behind the Scenes of Raiders of the Lost Ark on TV one night that things would change again. They were playing it in between commercial breaks of the film itself. I saw Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Harrison Ford laughing and hanging out on set.

Up until that moment, movies just happened. They were beamed into theaters or televisions from some unknown place. But this was amazing. This meant people made movies. People! I was people. So did that mean that maybe I could make a film one day too?