Brand New Article on Bold Journey!

Super cool and inspiring magazine and website, Bold Journey, just interviewed us about what keeps us creatively inspired! 

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

“At the start of every year, we make a list of the impossible things we want for the year. These are things we really want to do but don’t know how to do them. They can be for our company, a direction we want to take our lives, or a personal impossible thing we’d like to do. That list goes at the top of our to-do list and we stare at it every day.”

”We let these impossible things percolate inside our heads and think of ways to accomplish them. Over the next 12 months, most of those things that seemed impossible at the start of the year, ended up not being so impossible after all. We slowly chip away at them. And a funny thing happens. Usually 9 times out of 10 we accomplish all those things we thought were impossible.”

You can read the full article on Bold Journey: