Tales from Black Manor
Series 2 Trailer

Return to the world of Black Manor, where the House of Black's relentless pursuit of dark magic and their unwavering loyalty to Death himself come to life in Series 2 with five brand new episodes.

Tales from Black Manor, Episode 4:
”Alice & The Watch”
Episode 4: “Alice & The Watch”
Gifted with immortality, Alice longs for an end to her boredom. When she stumbles upon Death's pocket watch, her attempt to outwit him leads to a chilling truth: Death always has the last laugh.
Welcome Back to Black Manor
When we finished Tales from Black Manor, we always knew there could be more tales to tell. During the writing process of the first three episodes, the lore of the world continued to grow, as did the family. We began wondering what it would be like to grow up in the House of Black - and while the main characters in Series 1 craved immortality - what if that wasn’t always the case? What if someone didn’t want to live forever? The character of Alice began to emerge and she had a very different opinion than the previous narrators.
Directed By: Nick + Lexie
Written By: Nick Trivundza
Produced By: Nick + Lexie Trivundza
An Adventure Company Film
Alice: Holly Standbrook
The Mortician: Rob Reed
Death: James Brinkley
Music By Orchestralis
Copyright © Adventure Company MMXXIII
Stills from Episode 4

Tales from Black Manor, Episode 5:
”Mister Winter”
Episode 5: “Mister Winter”
During World War II, German soldier Adolphus Winter becomes consumed by the legend of Black Manor. He’s heard whispers that Death resides there with his ability to grant eternal life. As his obsession drives him deeper into darkness, Adolphus abandons his morals, willingly sacrificing everyone in his way.
The Different Eras of Black Manor
As we continued to explore the different aspects of Black Manor, one of our favorite discussions has been about the different time periods that surround the manor itself. Looking back at Series 1, the tale of Ivy and the tale of Anastasia are certainly different time periods. The second episode also has two very different time periods connected by characters and their immortality over the course of decades if not centuries.
For this second series we began to look at Medieval settings, World Wars, and the 80s. These were some of the ideas that really excited us since each tale could have such a different tone. For Mister Winter, we settled on World War II. We also thought it would be interesting if the manor had changed hands throughout the ages and brought in another family - The Winters.
Directed By: Nick + Lexie
Written By: Nick Trivundza
Produced By: Nick + Lexie Trivundza
An Adventure Company Film
Adolphus Winter: Eric George Asch
Death: James Brinkley
Music By Orchestralis
Copyright © Adventure Company MMXXIII
Stills from Episode 5

Tales from Black Manor, Episode 6:
”The land of death and dreams”
Episode 6: “The Land of Death and Dreams”
When one of the Seven Deaths crosses paths with Jones, a brave young soldier fighting for his life in WWII, the two fall for one another. But when Jones is killed in the line of duty, she brings him to the Land of Death and Dreams.
The Expanding Lore of Black Manor
Black Manor is so fun for us because we get to discover it as we create each episode since the sandbox is an ever evolving one. This is part of the experimental nature of the project. So far we’ve learned that other families have inhabited Black Manor, such as the Winters, but we’re also about to find out about The Seven Deaths, as well as The Land of Death and Dreams.
Directed By: Nick + Lexie
Written By: Nick Trivundza
Produced By: Nick + Lexie Trivundza
An Adventure Company Film
Death: Zannah Hodson
Jones: Griffin Puatu
Lucas: Dan Fowlks
Music By Orchestralis
Copyright © Adventure Company MMXXIII
Stills from Episode 6

Tales from Black Manor, Episode 7:
”Welcome to the 80s”
Episode 7: “Welcome to the 80s”
Rumor has it that Little Ivy Black still stalks the halls of Black Manor. When curiosity turns into a dare, two friends venture into the eerie manor, unaware of the nightmarish horrors they'll encounter.
Black Manor Inspirations
One of the funnest things to do is mix references and inspiration. For “Welcome to the 80s” we were inspired by that 80s Amblin vibe that Stranger Things has done such an amazing job with. This was mixed with just a touch “The Ring” and finally for the dream sequence, we were inspired by the “Dust Covers” by Dave McKean from “The Sandman.”
Directed By: Nick + Lexie
Written By: Nick Trivundza
Produced By: Nick + Lexie Trivundza
An Adventure Company Film
Kat: Linnea Sage
Music By Orchestralis
Copyright © Adventure Company MMXXIV
Stills from Episode 7

Tales from Black Manor, Episode 8:
”mommy’s little star”
Episode 8: “Mommy’s Little Star”
Guided by one of the books of Death, Suzie Black's family trades a stranger's life for her immortality. As she discovers the rules of her eternal existence, the world transforms around her while she remains the same.
Horror Films of the 70s
If some of the earlier episodes lean into modern day Dark Fantasy films, Mommy’s Little Star leans more towards the horror films of the 70s. Part of that is the story. The family becoming more and more cult like - whether or not they’re still following the Book of Death, or beginning to embellish their rituals was really fun to play with. The footage we found and then the coloring, lean towards those films of the 70s, while still remaining rooted in the look and feel of Black Manor.
Directed By: Nick + Lexie
Written By: Nick Trivundza
Produced By: Nick + Lexie Trivundza
An Adventure Company Film
Suzie Black: Nicola Fordwood
Death: James Brinkley
Music By Orchestralis
Copyright © Adventure Company MMXXIV
Stills from Episode 8